Possible Dictyota Spp.


New member
This looks to me like the Dictyota spp. everyone has been talking about. I have this stuff in the tank and it is an awesome blue shade. Does not seem to be spreading or growing super fast. What is so bad about having this stuff in your tank? It is actually a nice looking macro.

Yes, those are Dictyota.

Any alga that aggressively hogs real estate better devoted to non-algal ornamentals is perceived to be a problem. If it isn't prejudicing other desirables in the tank, then no problem, ey?


Point taken. As you can see there is an acro in the upper right of the picture that I am going to need to move. Is there any use for these in a sump for a refugium setup? Will they transplant down below or is it best just to rip these guys out and trash them.
