Prefered suppliers in the area.


Over in Santa Fe we have one independent store and two large chains. None of them carry the level of supplys and equipment needed for the serious reef keeper. Since starting my research for my new tank I have combed the internet for hours at a time. Researching forums and looking for vendors. I realise over in ABQ the is SWR and Clarks. I have been to both many times. I prefer Clarks from a customer service standpoint, but the tanks most often look sad. SWR has great looking tanks, but basicallly no help with sps or from my experience the serious reefer. I hope this thread is not insulting to anyone. I have tried. I have walked in the door when I literally had thousands to spend and walked out with nothing because I felt I had not been given the service I was looking for. Hard to explain without saying to much. Anyway, I am self employed and run my own tailoring business which allows me to have time to pursue reefing. I am thinking of opening an account with a wholesaler and catering to the serious reefing community in the area. What do you guys think.
Is there enough interest to sustain such a thing. I am not thinking of a storefront. Limited stock of supplies, chemicals etc, and special ordering of larger purchases such as skimmers etc. Let me know what you think.
I had thought of that. I would like to make a small profit for the effort, although my main thought right now is to have some local access to supplies. If I don't maintain a store front and basically operate from my home, I can keep cost down. Just thinking about it. Nothing serious yet until I get more feedback.
lemme know when you ship it may be cheaper then a store here in abq or buying and shipping from an online store. but either way if ya do or dont have a store front please do have a web site lol.

Edit: oh yea and 'if you build it they will come'
Thanks ntvyper,

My thought was it could be a mobile store. Maybe like Swahns food delivery service. I could come over to ABQ one, maybe two days a week depending on how much traffic I got. I already use a service simular to this for my business. The guy comes to Santa Fe and Espanola from Albuquerque once a week. It works great. Also thinking of it as more of a on going group buy where reefers could have access to niche products on an as needed basis. Just tossing around ideas at this point. Any thoughts?
well i think its a great idea and commendable but maybe try to feel out a client base first would be best. if ya get a good client base then everything else just falls into place. so do your homework found out some prices on the every week stuff we use in our tanks and if your low enough you might just have a shot. gl dude
Anyone know: what is most profitable for a LFS, tank startup sales or maintanence sales? I am guessing startup. Have you thought about how to get that demographic to buy from you?
Anyone know: what is most profitable for a LFS, tank startup sales or maintanence sales? I am guessing startup. Have you thought about how to get that demographic to buy from you?
i would vote maintenance sales and livestock yea sure ya can drop 4 grand right away but you aint coming back in a few months till your tank is cycled. but those of us see our fish guys every weekend and drop money like crazy just for the supplies we use up and run outta or to replace those stupid snails that just up n die for no reason. those are the people that keep the doors open and the electric bills paid for.
I think maintenance sale also. I always need something for my tank. Plus I just like to get new stuff for it. It's my hobby!
Anyone know: what is most profitable for a LFS, tank startup sales or maintanence sales? I am guessing startup. Have you thought about how to get that demographic to buy from you?

Service is where the money is at, in order to get accounts it is nice to have a storefront/showroom to display your work :)
+1 ..I have worked here locally at just about every fish place and have been doing maintence for about 10yrs.. yes you are getting way more out of the maintenance..there is not much overhead in your personal time..It can take a while to get a good client base ( and worthwhile clients)but once it is there there is not much investment..the retail is nice to show work for sure..It all depends on what angle you want to work..once you go retail you are there all the time and have to always have someone there..The service lets you have the freedom to make your own schedule..
I set up an account with an aquarium supplier and the profit margins are small to none exhistent on many items. I contacted the distributor which is one of the largest saltwater distributors in the US and they told me that that was the industry. Margins are small on many things and since other distributors and manufacturers sell directly to the public it makes it even harder. Items like salt are a loss leader just to get people in the door. I don't know what to do at this point. Seems like it would be really hard to compete solely on price. I'd have to be super service oriented and hope I had loyal customers.
yeah not much profit on most stuff especially pumps..I assume you speak of naws??
Been doing orders for "friends" off and on for 10yrs..just depends on what YOU want to do..
so whats the bottom dollar amount on lets say an mp40? or a decent skimmer for say 125gallons i really need to upgrade my skimmer. but also really want an mp40.