Has anyone had experience buying a mask with prescription lenses before? I have had enough of not seeing perfect underwater and I'm going to have to break down and purchase one. Thanks
At my LDS you can purchase prescription lenses for masks in a variety of prescriptions that can be interchanged. If you can find a LDS that sells them, I'd try out a few because your prescription underwater may not be the same as above water. I bought this mask, called a "gauge reader" which works perfect for me 'cuz I can see distance OK but not up close. People tell me they always think I've got a ton of water in my mask because of the lines
I have a prescription mask and it is worth the extra money. It is a much better idea than using a normal mask with contacts due to the possiblity of the mask coming off under water and losing your contacts in the process. Having contacts also makes clearing the mask harder underwater and could start to aggravate your eyes mid-dive and cause another problem. I am personally near-sighted and can see very well with my prescription mask. I also use the normal anti-fog fluid with my mask and it works without issues. I highly recommend buying a prescription mask yourself.
Seavisions makes great masks. I have two and they are pretty nice. I bought them early on in my dive career though and got one pink and yellow lenses. I would recommend just staying with the standard. The pink lenses do look cool in clear blue water, but are really bad in lake/low viz situations. The yellows aren't too bad in low viz. I do however prefer a clear and lower profile mask. I also like one with a black skirt to keep the light from reflecting through the clear skirt. I have a pair of mares x-visions as they fit my face well and they were cheap to get prescription lenses to pop in it. Works great. I dive in overheads so backup masks are a must. The low profile helps not give you so much of blind spots on the sides of the mask. Also if you are in a a strong current you will appreciate the lower profile if you turn your head sideways into it.
If you dont mind spending the money you can get exact match custom lens in your mask from http://rxdivemask.com/ if you want to save some money most companies have atleast 1 mask that can insert a basic rx 2.0-8.0 in .50 increments and tends more affordable.
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