Pretty good pics from Canon S100


New member
I do have to say I'm pretty impressed with the quality of images coming out of the new Canon S100.

I have a Nikon D7000 and the Canon is a great alternative to carrying a huge DSLR around.

Here's some pics of my Tubs Blues, Bubble tip anemone and Nuke Greens (taken w/o tripod)

Nuclear Greens and red mushrooms


Tubs blues
very nice - I have the S90 and I really like it. Like you said, it's great to grab these little P&S's when not wanting to lug around the big DSLR bodies. Quite capable little cameras.
Thanks for the feedback.
The best feature of the S100 (and older S95) is that you can see what the image will look like before you shoot. These images were set in Manual mode and I played with the Aperture and shutter speed. I think this is one of the greatest selling points.