Problems with Digi


Rejisturd Mimbur
I got a bunch of digi frags from a friend of mine about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm trying to get into SPS and he told me these should do fine. For the first week, they appeared to be doing fine, good polyp exstension, color was good, etc. Now, they are starting to bleach and there is no polyp exstension, not to mention, it looks like tissue is starting to receed. My water parameters are good, I dose Randy's two part and drip kalk. My Nitrates stay around 20, but I've been told, that shouldn't be a problem. There are no pests to speak of that could be bothering them; it's driving me nuts. My lighting consists of two, EVC 250watt, 10k bulbs on EVC e-ballasts and two 120watt, T12 Actinics. All soft corals and LPS are doing great. Any thoughts? Thanks for your time.
Water Parameters:
Calc: 380
Total Alk: 4.5
Nitrate: 20
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Phosphate: 0
Ph: 8.2 close in proximity are the softies...tsk tsk tsk...i already know your answer...tooo dang close.....allelopathy?????google it..

also..the nitrates could stant to go <10......ALK are you using DKH or meq..???? CA sees fine.....

WC's ???schedule????? once a week ...RO/DI? i hope so

Are you acclimating them to the light?????i hope so

there are so many variables...tell us more
IMO...SPS do better in SPS tanks rather than mixed up with leathers and what not....i know you can do it but just my opinion
The softies are about 8in from them.

I used the Seachem test kit for Alk. I used nine drops, divided by two, to get the total Alk. (Each drop is worth 0.5 meq/L)

20gal water change every two weeks. (Red Sea Salt)

The tank they came out of had much more light than mine. It was a 90gal cube on a single 400watt MH with some kick butt reflector he dropped a small fortune on.

Edit: I should note that he gave me a couple of Acro frags and they don't seem to be having problems...yet. (Gulp)
The nitrates are certainly out of range for SPS. Is that definitely your problem? Noone can say, there are just so many factors. It may not be a bad idea to run some carbon if your not already, just becareful not to run too much and its advised to just run it passively in your sump.
No Bi-Color Blenny.

I will get some carbon today and see if that helps.

Right now, I've got the frags positioned near the powerheads, so they seem to be getting good water flow around them.

Thanks for the help guys/gals. I know there are a lot of factors to consider, but when I see how beautiful many of your tanks are, it makes me want to get my tank in line to produce the same results.
Eric, just to be sure, DO NOT have a powerhead aimed directly at the colony IT WILL KILL IT. Do not aim your powerheads at any SPS...that will blow the tissue right off them. If you see any algae start to grow on your SPS that is a sure sign that the flow is to concentrated on the colony.

Not sure if thats the problem or not, but its important to reiterate regardless.
Thanks Horace. The flow is not directly blowing on them, but I'll see about deflecting it a little more.