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Dear Aqua C,
My name is Richard Fairclough and I have had freshwater tanks for years and decided I was going to take the plunge into Marine Aquaria. I set up a 60 gallon tank, put 60lbs of live rock in there, waited, tested my water and was soon ready for fish. Over the next 4 months I bought a Blue Damsel fish named Azul, I bought a Yellow Tang named Sunny, a Sea Cucumber named CQ, a Blue Tang named Dorey, a Fox Face Rabbit Fish named Gordon, two assorted Damsel fish name Marty and King Julian and finally a Lion Fish named Godfather.
At this point I was very well read on Marine Aquariums and knew I needed to invest in a protein skimmer. I went to my local Marine Fish store and asked him what he suggested. At this point I knew what the protein skimmer did and why we needed one, I just didn't know which one to get. I did not have a sump for this aquarium so I told Mike, my Marine specialist, I wanted a "œhang on the back" filter. Mike suggested your Aqua C Remora (the one for up to 75 gallons) and told me he hadn't heard anything bad about it.
I installed the Aqua C Remora Protein skimmer and it started to work beautifully right off the bat. It was creating good foam and skimming very well. A week went by and Godfather, the lion fish stopped eating and began to act weird. I noticed Dorey, Marty and King Julian were also acting a little funny, swimming in the corner of the tank towards the glass against the current etc. I kept an eye on them, tested my water and everything seemed fine. The next day I found Godfather dead and he had funny looking spots in his fins. I tested my water, perfect.
I did however notice there were lots and lots of bubbles forming all over my live rock. I mean ALL OVER (refer to the attached photo). I thought it was weird but thought it must have been the mechanical filter I had because it was dropping water into the tank from about 2 inches (although I have had that on the tank since day one).
As the next week went by and King Julian died, then Sunny, then Marty, then CQ, then Dorey! I kept testing my water and it was always perfect! My sea Anemone lost all his fingers!
I currently work as a Police Officer in Arizona and work the 10am to 8pm, which covers store hours of my local fish stores. This all took place over 1 week so as soon as my week-end was here I went to two Marine Fish stores and took water samples. At this time I was devastated!!! As my water was being tested , I asked the specialist about the bubbles. As soon as I mentioned the bubbles he put the test kit down and told me he knew what was wrong. He asked me if I had added any new pumps to the system and I told him about my Aqua C Remora. He advised me that something in my tank is over saturating my water and giving my fish "œthe bends" like deep sea divers get. He explained to me about "œmicro-bubbles" and the dangers they bring. He then tested my water and said i had "œthe water of a very well maintained salt water aquarium".
I immediately went home and turned the Remora off, and within a few days all the bubbles were gone. Gordon and Azul, the only fish left, were looking pretty worn out and Gordon was forming the same bubbles under his skin as the other fish had. I took the Remora apart and put it back together again per the instructions. Using a flashlight, you can see through the tinted plastic of the Remora. I could see tons of micro-bubbles escaping through the built in bubble trap and into my tank and the next day I had bubbles again. I tried reducing the amount of flow to the skimmer with a ball valve to reduce bubbles"¦ didn't work. I called your company and they sent me a piece of screening to put into the filter to "œcatch the micro bubbles""¦ didn't work. I have not used the Remora since (do you blame me) and after a falling out with the store I bought it from over poor customer service, I feel I am stuck with this product. Maybe when the sump is built I can use it in the sump and not have to worry about the micro bubbles, even though it is a back pack skimmer and has its own bubble trap.
Fortunately, Gordon and Azul have pulled through and the Anemone is growing his fingers back, but as you can imagine me and my family were devastated by the loss. Due to the fact that I lost over $200 worth of fish in a week we still do not have any additional fish.
Gordon is doing much better now however, he and Azul don't come out of the rocks very much any more. Sunny is who brought Gordon out of the Rock and he has been very lonely without him. I am currently saving up now to try and replace the fish I lost, and have since upgraded to an 80 gallon and am building a sump.
I just wanted to let you know about my dissatisfaction with your product and how I feel there is room for improvement.
(additional photos available upon request)
Thank you for your time,
Richard Fairclough
480 390 0258
My name is Richard Fairclough and I have had freshwater tanks for years and decided I was going to take the plunge into Marine Aquaria. I set up a 60 gallon tank, put 60lbs of live rock in there, waited, tested my water and was soon ready for fish. Over the next 4 months I bought a Blue Damsel fish named Azul, I bought a Yellow Tang named Sunny, a Sea Cucumber named CQ, a Blue Tang named Dorey, a Fox Face Rabbit Fish named Gordon, two assorted Damsel fish name Marty and King Julian and finally a Lion Fish named Godfather.
At this point I was very well read on Marine Aquariums and knew I needed to invest in a protein skimmer. I went to my local Marine Fish store and asked him what he suggested. At this point I knew what the protein skimmer did and why we needed one, I just didn't know which one to get. I did not have a sump for this aquarium so I told Mike, my Marine specialist, I wanted a "œhang on the back" filter. Mike suggested your Aqua C Remora (the one for up to 75 gallons) and told me he hadn't heard anything bad about it.
I installed the Aqua C Remora Protein skimmer and it started to work beautifully right off the bat. It was creating good foam and skimming very well. A week went by and Godfather, the lion fish stopped eating and began to act weird. I noticed Dorey, Marty and King Julian were also acting a little funny, swimming in the corner of the tank towards the glass against the current etc. I kept an eye on them, tested my water and everything seemed fine. The next day I found Godfather dead and he had funny looking spots in his fins. I tested my water, perfect.
I did however notice there were lots and lots of bubbles forming all over my live rock. I mean ALL OVER (refer to the attached photo). I thought it was weird but thought it must have been the mechanical filter I had because it was dropping water into the tank from about 2 inches (although I have had that on the tank since day one).
As the next week went by and King Julian died, then Sunny, then Marty, then CQ, then Dorey! I kept testing my water and it was always perfect! My sea Anemone lost all his fingers!
I currently work as a Police Officer in Arizona and work the 10am to 8pm, which covers store hours of my local fish stores. This all took place over 1 week so as soon as my week-end was here I went to two Marine Fish stores and took water samples. At this time I was devastated!!! As my water was being tested , I asked the specialist about the bubbles. As soon as I mentioned the bubbles he put the test kit down and told me he knew what was wrong. He asked me if I had added any new pumps to the system and I told him about my Aqua C Remora. He advised me that something in my tank is over saturating my water and giving my fish "œthe bends" like deep sea divers get. He explained to me about "œmicro-bubbles" and the dangers they bring. He then tested my water and said i had "œthe water of a very well maintained salt water aquarium".
I immediately went home and turned the Remora off, and within a few days all the bubbles were gone. Gordon and Azul, the only fish left, were looking pretty worn out and Gordon was forming the same bubbles under his skin as the other fish had. I took the Remora apart and put it back together again per the instructions. Using a flashlight, you can see through the tinted plastic of the Remora. I could see tons of micro-bubbles escaping through the built in bubble trap and into my tank and the next day I had bubbles again. I tried reducing the amount of flow to the skimmer with a ball valve to reduce bubbles"¦ didn't work. I called your company and they sent me a piece of screening to put into the filter to "œcatch the micro bubbles""¦ didn't work. I have not used the Remora since (do you blame me) and after a falling out with the store I bought it from over poor customer service, I feel I am stuck with this product. Maybe when the sump is built I can use it in the sump and not have to worry about the micro bubbles, even though it is a back pack skimmer and has its own bubble trap.
Fortunately, Gordon and Azul have pulled through and the Anemone is growing his fingers back, but as you can imagine me and my family were devastated by the loss. Due to the fact that I lost over $200 worth of fish in a week we still do not have any additional fish.
Gordon is doing much better now however, he and Azul don't come out of the rocks very much any more. Sunny is who brought Gordon out of the Rock and he has been very lonely without him. I am currently saving up now to try and replace the fish I lost, and have since upgraded to an 80 gallon and am building a sump.
I just wanted to let you know about my dissatisfaction with your product and how I feel there is room for improvement.
(additional photos available upon request)
Thank you for your time,
Richard Fairclough
480 390 0258