Professional Water Testing


Premium Member
I saw this someone did this somewhere on reef central, does anyone know where I can get this done, and how long and cost?

Or if someone has very accurate test kits and can do it for me, I dont trust mine lol....and dont want to wait till the 25th
Hey mang, just stop over.
I'm right around the corner, and you're always welcome.
Do you remember how to get here?

Btw, just as an aside, if anyone is transporting water for testing, glass is a better vessel than plastic as it can't leach anything into the water to throw off your tests.
Also pH changes the longer the sample is out of your tank as oxygen/co2 saturation directly affects pH.
i remember joe talking about it, it was something like 20$ and about a week turn around, but they test EVERYTHING in your water.
Btw, what specifically are you testing for, or worried about?

Bawla, I'd like to know who you're talking about if you can remember.
It would be interesting to have a complete chemical analysis for only $20.
Loyal, thanks for the offer Ill pm you.....well I am concerned with my calcium, alk, and ph and magnesium. I figured this test would give me a good baseline to work from in the long run and also verify my kits and any others i purchase before my next water change.
I can test everything but the mag for you right now.
I'm waiting for a salifert mag kit to come in which should be here any day now.
When it gets here you're more than welcome to use it.
Sorry Rogger

AWT are the same people that just recently BOTCHED an attempt to compare salt mixes. (and this is not the thread to get into that one)

Based on that alone, personally, I will never consider using them.

That is not to say that I recommend the previous link that I myself posted in this thread either. I posted that link simply because I believe that is who others were referring to.
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CF101, I followed that thread a bit, but havn't checked up on it recently. What was the botch, or if you don't want to bring that into here, could you do me a favor and PM me a link to the thread? Thanks.
I would also like some info on that other group......they are local and if I could walk in and get testing don that would be cool. Im still going to send of my samples as this seems to be a standard for people doing professional testing.
NRB the consensus is that you're better off getting your water tested by a hobbyist locally who has good test kits and experience with them for significantly cheaper.