Proper Reef Skimming?


New member
Hello all!
I just took over the care of a 245gal reef tank for the University! It has been going great so far. I do have a question about running the skimmers though. I have mostly had fish only tanks so I lOVE SKIMMERS!! But I know that I have heard that you can over skim a reef and remove more trace elements than you should. Any thoughts on this?
Thanks! Any other helpful tips on anything are always appreciated!
Well unfortunately the student that took care of it prior to myself, wrote nothing down. We tried to meet during the transfer of caretakers (sounds way more serous then it is) and we couldn't find a similar time and then he moved to Florida, so I have been flying blind!
Thanks for your opinion though
Having read this NG for several years, I can tell you that I have read countless posts of problems related to underskimming. I have yet to read of a problem caused by overskimming.