Protein Skimmer Help! Did I pick a good one!?

The classic 2000 should offer a slight improvement over your current skimmer... the one posted by tripod is basically the same as what you have.

With a sump why do you want a HOB vs internal?

IMO all the HOB ones are very similar and probably perform about the same.. slight improvements in some over others..
I was looking at that one but out of everything I have read most people have said you want 5 to 10 times the GPH of your tank size. The model I have linked does 500 GPH which is over 5 times and since the model you linked looks to be a 1000 vs 2000 I can assume it does 250 GPH. I'm assuming because I didn't see it anywhere.
@mcgyvr my current tank I cannot drill through and when I made my sump out of a 20 gal tank I built it to hold a HOB.
What about the RO HOB 100? I put one on a 40 breeder and it was a Beast! My buddy now has the skimmer and has it in the sump he just lengthened the pump line and it works Great! I was skeptical but it works.

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Why do you think the current skimmer is not keeping up with the tank?

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Curious as well. Assuming you clean the cup and the neck every 48 hours and soak the pump in white vinegar (flush with RO before returning) every 6-8 weeks it should be handling a 75g tank just fine. What signs/symptoms are you displaying that lead you to an inadequate skimmer?