PTC 6 For Sale almost Half Price NIB


New member
Hey all,

PTC 6 new never used purchased from Seant

$1100 USD

My setup is too large for this unit so i cant use it.


Think it will work on my setup 200 gallon display, 200 gallon sump, 100 gallon frag/fuge? I have a 1/2hp chiller, but this might be nice to use as an intermediate step before that needs to fire up. The room will be air conditioned 24/7 also ...
i am going to hold off on selling it for now.. I am waiting until my tank is up and running to make a decission if it can handle it
What was / is the cost savings over the traditional chillers? As i read about them, I find that the advantages are noise, accuracy and size.

Are there any others advantages???

Thx, Tim