Pulling the trigger


New member
I'm soon to be getting a 180g, and i was lookin' at gettin' a clown trigger, i was just wondering what tankmates would be a possibility, i know i want a grouper and a moray, and lionfish if possible (i doubt it, but maybe) what other tankmates would work? i'm not lookin' into filtration and whatnot, etc, i was just lookin' for a list of possibilities

Thanks :)
So how does

1 clown trigger Balistoides conspicillum
1 niger trigger Odonus niger
1 V-tail grouper Cephalopholis urodelus
2 orange spotted rabbitfish Siganus guttatus
1 Volitan Lionfish Pterois volitans
1 Dragon Eel Muraena lentiginosa

It's probably to heavy, but it's just a start, for skimmin' i'm gonna have 2 CSS-220's and a ~60-70g sump
The clown trigger and the niger will work fine (they might fight a little). The lionfish and rabbitfish will most likely work fine with the two triggers. However, I am not sure about whether the eel and the grouper will get along with the triggers.