Pulsing Xenia for trade or sale


Premium Member
I have a bunch of Xenia that I just pruned out of my tank. Some of them are already mounted others are fresh cut and have not been mounted yet. PM me if interested. It is the pink pulsing xenia. Looking for any kind of trades or $5 per stalk.


Send me your e-mail and I can mail you the pics later this evening. I am not sure of how to post pics here on RC.


Ok here goes here are some pics of the xenia and green star polyps. Sorry for the bad quality of the pics.

The GSP's are on the bottom left in the sand.

Here is the xenia


Well the frags are small and i don't really know what to let them go for. Maybe there is something we could trade. THe frags are maybe 1cm sq. or there about. The most i am thinking of selling them for are maybe $7-$10. But that is on the high end.

As for the xenia and the zoas. I am not too worried those zoas grow way too fast for me to control.


Wow that is a lot of Xenia, how much did you have originally and over how long of a period of time did it grow into what it is now?
Well they Xenia started off as a small 3 inch wide colony. I took about 4 months to envelope the entire right side of the tank. Then i sold some of the large rock colonied to a LFS. It then grew back in another two months even faster. I had to move around some of the rocks to rid the tank of it in some areas.

Oh yeah the price for the small GSP frags is $5 if anyone is interested.
Xenia frags $5 mounted and $4 unmounted ( they are tied in bridal vail)


Xenia might be a good thing if you ask me. If you can't sell it the LFS will take it for credit and simply just get your dry goods or even other corals from them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8180702#post8180702 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CraigG
How much credit have you been given for them?

My frags usually have one head on them each and they give me 5 bucks. The more heads the they give. I have a few frags I am letting grow out before I bring it in. The LFS sells them like hot cakes anyways. lol
I'll have to ask them what they would give me for some Xenia. I put a couple stalks on some rubble in the corner of the new tank, I will let it spread out and sell/trade them soon enough. Gave away a couple stalks already.
Hey Guys I still have tons of Xenia if anyone is intereted. I am gonna sell em' for $2-3 per stalk or take some trades.
Can you tell me where one is that will give me a decent return for them? I would carry them to Pat but I don't think he wants 'em.
Let me know please.


Sure I'll take a couple of stalks off your hands. Please provide date, time and location where I can go pick them up.
