Purple Hornets not open!

Hello everyone,

For the last couple of days my Purple Hornets have not been open. Every other zoanthid in my tank is open and showing nice polyp extension. I moved the Hornets down from the top 1/4 of my tank to now the middle 1/2 of the tank.

I am running a 6 bulb T5 for lighting. All water params are constant and within accepted parameters. What should I do?

I have not seen any pests on the polyps but should I do a coral revive dip to help them out?

Thanks in advance,

check around zoa mat or for new growth ie nubs etc.. i remember when my ppe would close for days/weeks and then she would give birth to new polyps...
+1 sometimes zoas close up before they bud

I never seen that and I have been keeping zoanthids for many years.
I have purple hornets and new polyps appear as they are open.

If they close up and not reopen, there is something wrong.
I would start with a lugols, or revive, or coralrx dip.

You said:
All water params are constant and within accepted parameters

what does that mean?
what are the exact test results?
How long have you had these? I bought a 2 polyp frag and it stayed closed for like 2 weeks. They've been on the sand bed since I got them in August. They are now at 5 polyps, but still are not growing as fast as my Red Hornets, which I got at the same time and have grown from a 2 polyp to 10.
Hmm...that would suck if they died, considering their cost :O

But usually if every other zoa is open, you are fine.

My zoas will randomly do that a lot of times too...just randomly not open. I find that waiting a week and they will often open.

Make sure something isn't bugging them. Check for nudi's, any sort of algae that might be growing on them, etc. (Im sure you already have, but I am just saying).