purple hornets


New member
i have fallen in love with these do you guys have any ideas of fragers that are saleing or a good site to look at i no they are uber rare but iam realy lookin wife is drooling for them.
best chance is from other reefers and they seem to be selling for 30 per polyp. there is a site called procorals that has some 3polyp frags for 109 but not sure if they still have them.
I dont think thier "rare" as people think they are... due to the fact that there is more in circulation now... but check forsale threads on RC i see them pop up now and then all the time.....
These are on all kinds of for sale boards and in a lot of online coral sellers' lists. I'm seeing around ten bucks a polyp from most. Look for a local reef club having a frag fest.

2 LFS have them here in the Tampa area 6-9 polyps for $40 didn't see the price in the other store.

I never see them for sale in Tampa. I saw one store that had a couple polyps, but they were not for sale. What stores have them for sale? I'd like to pick some up. Thanks