purple tang

I agree with Reefer91 - purples are usually pretty aggressive in my experience. I definitely would not mix with a yellow.
As far as reef safe, you won't have a problem there, but I'd try to choose one or the other - not both.
i think at this point the yellow will be aggresive towards any tangs you put in. if you must have another tang, take the yellow out and put it in quaretine with the new tang at the same time. rearange the rockwork, so when you add the tangs, it's new turf. i would recomend a group of 3 tangs at once. so the aggresion is spread out among them
I just put a purple in with my yellow. At first the yellow harrassed it all over the tank. I was extremely worried. By the second day a lot of fin damage was on the purple and was even more worried. By the 3rd day..they were at least able to be in the same area without a for sure fight. By the 4th day they were swimming around together with little fighting. By the 5th day they were and still are almost buddies. They swim around together all the time. I think that is mainly to make sure one doesn't find food without the other getting his/her share.

So it ended up okay. But was a few days of worry.
I had a yellow in my tank and decided on taking a chance by adding a purple too. The purple however was significantly bigger. When i added the purple the yellow went after him, but did not harm him. Then the tides turned and my purple chased my yellow all the time. But the size difference allowed the yellow to escape in the rock work.
All tangs are territoral. You best bet is to try to introduce all the tangs at the same time. If not, try rearrange the rockwork before introducing the new tang. It will throw the existing tang off in regard to his territory.
Yellows can be as territorial as purples. Each fish's temperment is different. You won't know for sure unless you try. If the yellow is established, I wouldn't try it.
I have an established tank with a yellow tang, added a purple tang recently, the yellow was aggressive for a while but they are fine now. The agressor in my tank is my blue powder tang, he is a little smaller the the yellow and purple but he is the bully
you have 3 tangs in a 90g!!!!!!
surprised they all get along...keep us updated on that powder blue, they are very hard to keep and agressive.
pretty cool you got it to work though.
I had my yellow for a month and a half before I added my powder blue. There was absolutely no aggression from either tang. They're the best of friends :)
i have a Purple, PBT and a KOle all 3 are just around 3 inches. THese are the only fish in my 125m except a forktail blenny, which will hopefully jump out soon (joking) it's a cool fish...

Anyway....I've only had them all together for a couple weeks. I got the PBT first.added the other two after about 2 weeks. All are eating fine. Finally to my point: the purple is the most aggressive of the bunch, BY FAR!!!