putting a piece of glass in my 210

ok the time has come for me to fix my 210 and i wanted to know if i put a piece of glass in the bottom thats 72 long by maybe 12 inches wide and siliconed it over the glass thats in their with maybe 4 tubes of silicone would the leak be fixed? and would that glass ever lift ?and what ways should i glue it in ? do i need to apply pressure on the sheet or what ,and has this ever been done before ? sorry to ask so many questions but i need to fix my 210 asap
I personally wouldn't try that because if it fails a month or two or a year down the road? 210 gallons in the house? i don't think she would like that. big als have 210 on sale relatively cheap. check them out before trying to fix.
Is the tank cracked? Need to plug holes? If the tank is cracked I would not cover the crack with glass. If you just need to cover holes that could be done.
i tink i told you how to fix that problem you have to remove all the old cylicon and put new one i guesst this is like the 3 time i tell you
i guest you use home depot sylicon and din't strip the hall line and clean it well get acuarium sylicon and do it all the way if not is going to happend agen
i used aga silicone and i stripped the silicone with a razor and wiped the glass clean with alchol then u applyed the silicone and smoothed it out with a spoon and left it for two weeks for parfect drying time ok filled it up and two monts later leak