Question about carpet anemone

k i found some info this is what i found

This is the natural color of this beautiful carpet anemone. They have short pointed tentacles that seem to constantly move. The tentacles are usually not very densely packed except near the edges of the disk. Specimens with blue, bright green, yellow, or white tipped tentacles can be found and at some times of the year, but light brown is still the most common color. Carpet anemone's have strong lighting needs. Make sure the tank has Powercompacts, VHO's or Halides for success. They also require good water quality and moderate water flow. They are accepted by virtually all clownfish whether they occur together in nature or not.

if anyone else has any other info about it would be great much thanks
IMHO I think VHO's would be on the dimmer side for carpet, they love the MHs, I would definately pose this question or search in the Anemone section of Reefcentral. Also Carpets are known fish eaters.

You need to research a lot to make sure you purchase a healthy one to begin with, because especially carpets, are hard to care for. So its best to avoid ones with gaping mouths and get ones that are tight. [refering to info above] Definately do not keep them under PCs.
I can't give you a definate answer, I know a lot about nems, carpets are where I lack too much info. But the Anemone and Anemone fish section is filled with great info!