Question about my new Order!!!


New member

I put an order for a Tunze TS24 kit like a month ago but it was shipped out last Saturday due to the availability of those, which is Ok, no problem with that.

The problem is that you just shipped out one of the two pumps; I don't know what happened in that case.

I already wrote you an e-mail and everything is OK, but I have some questions:

- Do I have to wait another extra month to get the other Tunze Stream pump????

- You offered me to send the pump with free shipping costs, but, is it possible that you send it using US Postal Express????, because I don't want to wait so much extra time (remember, I live in Colombia and it takes two weeks to arrive the items here using USPS Ground) due to the store's mistake.

Thanks a lot,

Wilson Reyes
Hi Wilson,

We can ship express no problem. I'll check stock and see, most likely will have to wait until next shipment unless someone cancels, but you'll be at the top.
OK Jason,

That sounds fine, but, another question:

- How long do you think it could take to the pump to be able to shipping???

