question about pictures


Premium Member
I am trying to get some nice and clear pictures of a sick anemone but I can't seem to get the pictures to come out very clear. I am wondering if anyone on here would have some tips on how to get these pics to come out clear so that we can figure out what is wrong with the nem.

I am using a Sony Cybershot 7.2 megapixel camera. Tank is a 24 gal aquapod with pc lighting.

Thanks for any tips or help.
Post a picture or two if you can to help us figure out how to improve them. Make sure you're shooting squarely into the tank- shooting at an angle will distort the picture. Hopefully you can post a picture for more/better tips.
Clean you glass really well, scrub the inside and then clean the outside with dilute vinegar and newsprint then as Gregr said shoot straight into the tank, which can be difficult on the curved front.




a bunch more pics at these threads:

Appreciate the help. Thank you
You are focused on the rocks behind in the first two pictures, if you have not got a manual focus see ifyou can move something else closer to the nem to help your camera focusor if you can focus on another object and then move your camera to the right distance. Also remember that flashes tend to leavecolors looking washed out, so try to avoid using them (pic 3). I think pic 4 is a focus issue too. Remember that zooming in makes it so that you cannot focus on objects that are as close as you can when you are zoomed out.
The aquapod also has a curved front so it's very hard to get clear sharp photos, I don't even photography my aquapod because of it.