I bought a few frags a few weeks ago from a local guy. Mostly SPS but I also bought a rock with a bunch of green polyps on it. There are probably 50 green polyps and when they are open and completely extended are very nice looking, in my opinion. My problem is they looked great for the first few days, really open and waving. Then after about a week they started only staying about half open. That is where they still are. They close completely when something comes by then open back up. The center flat part is visible but you can tell they are still "rolled up" around the edges, none of the little fingers around the flat plate are showing. All the sps seem to be doing good now after figuring out I had an issue with my SG. Since correcting this I am getting good PE from all the SPS. Anybody have any suggestions on what I need to check to make these polyps open up fully? I have tested everything during my SPS battle. All parameters were spot on except SG was low. Brought it up slowly to 1.026 and have been working on raising the alk up to about 9.0dkh. Any advice will be appreciated!