New member
I have had a purple stylophora for about 10 months now and it seemed to do fine. Good growth, etc. Just yesterday I noticed that the polyps didn't seem extended at the base of the coral. This pattern continued today and was climbing up the coral. (see pic. attached) It doesn't look like the flesh is gone but rather that the polyps are just retracted in these localized areas. For that reason I don't think it is STN but perhaps given a bit more time, it could be.
My water parameters seem ok. My alk did drop from 9.5 to 8.5 in the last 4 weeks but calc. and magnesium are holding fine at 415 and 1350. My pH is consistently between 7.9 and 8.1, water temp. controlled around 78 and my spec. gravity is 1.024.
My lights are Radion 30's and I use the coral radiance program with the higher intensities set for around 7 hours. The total power slider is set to 75% but this translates to 51% at its peak. I don't think it is this as I haven't changed it in a while.
Any suggestions? Anybody seen this before? Will this get worse or will it just pass with time?
I have had a purple stylophora for about 10 months now and it seemed to do fine. Good growth, etc. Just yesterday I noticed that the polyps didn't seem extended at the base of the coral. This pattern continued today and was climbing up the coral. (see pic. attached) It doesn't look like the flesh is gone but rather that the polyps are just retracted in these localized areas. For that reason I don't think it is STN but perhaps given a bit more time, it could be.
My water parameters seem ok. My alk did drop from 9.5 to 8.5 in the last 4 weeks but calc. and magnesium are holding fine at 415 and 1350. My pH is consistently between 7.9 and 8.1, water temp. controlled around 78 and my spec. gravity is 1.024.
My lights are Radion 30's and I use the coral radiance program with the higher intensities set for around 7 hours. The total power slider is set to 75% but this translates to 51% at its peak. I don't think it is this as I haven't changed it in a while.
Any suggestions? Anybody seen this before? Will this get worse or will it just pass with time?