Question // help with lunar lights


New member
My lunars are only between 5 and 6 months old. They are the coralife 3/4 watt types. I have two of them mounted on a 16 gal BF tank and one seemed to be pretty dull, while the other appeared to be ok. I figured the power supply was on its way out so I spliced in another powersupply. Made no difference, so I picked up a new 3/4 watt coralife light, and hooked it up.......YOu could not even see the light that I had thought was still ok. I clean any salt buildup from the lens on a weekly basis, but for some reason or other those 2 original lunar lights have gotten very very dull.........Is it normal for LED's to loose intensity with such a short time span? I have always heard they last for years and years. They are only turned on at night for perhaps 6 hours total..........I know they have a 12 month warranty, but I am screwed on that, as I have cut my powersupply cords and installed jacks in the hood..The connections on the backs of the jacks are clean and free of corrosion, and the old power supplies fire up the new lunar ight just fine, so the power supplies are not bad.....all spices wered one with environemntal type connectors etc and are not a source of my problem either...Is this an inherent problem with LED's or just coralifes in particular? Pretty bad when you habe to light a match to see if your lunar lights of 6 months of age are on or not.
I have the same understanding, that LED's last for quite a long time. I've never heard of them dimming before. I would have assumed power supply too - but that wasnt it. I've had good luck w. my coral-life's so far, but - you couldve just landed a bad one :confused: I know your out of luck b/c the warranty, but - you might have to just eat this one and get a new lamp. Good luck!
Yea but I got two dim jokers to eat......oh well. I knew the ramifications of cutting the wire to them beforehand so its only me to blame, but I think I will call coral life and ask if this is a problem and see what they say......I just hate hoods and lights etc with a heap of wires with wall warts attached, so I tend to cut and install jacks and such to eliminate the dangling confusion.

I did however find something interesting...I may be worng on my initial assessment, but the 3/4 watt coral life lunars are a multiple LED unit. I took the dimmest one apart and looked it over under power with a high powered magnifiying lamp. It has 6 solder connections to it, as compared to most LEDS having 2.....Looking really close inside the lens I could see only one so called individual leds illuminated. I looked at the other dim Lunar light and it had a total of 2 individual leds inside the lens assembly burning.........the new one and my others seem to have all burning, so evidently these lunar ights are constructed of multiple LEDs inside a common clear plastic focusing lens which is soldered to a small ciruclar circuit board with resistor and then mounted inside a plastic housing. So eveidently one or more of the asembly of LEDS in the clear plastic focal lens is burned out.
I amy be totally in the dark as to how I cypher out whats going on as I certainly am not a electronics guru.....changing out batteries is about as close as I come to any electronics type projects.......