Question on 9410 Skimmer


New member

I've had the skimmer set up for months and it has been working awesome. I found the sweet spot in terms of the depth in the sump and I have an ATO so that the level is constant.

However, about a week ago the skimmer started to bubble up more than normal, it's gotten progressively worse, now it just bubbles up and immediately overflows the collection cup with water.

I am going to take it apart and clean it this weekend, is there anything in particular I should look at?

I have not changed anything in the tank, feeding the same and have not added anything else. Fish and coral all look normal.


I have the same skimmer and mine did the same thing, I adjusted the clamp on the air intake hose to calm it down a bit, worked for me and still is producing a great amount of shmuck.