question on salt creep


I am familiar with salt creep on salt water tanks but let me relate an issue a little bit weird.
I decided to create a fake tank, it uses just ro/di water and fake corals, it looks really nice and maintenance is next to non-existant
although i do run a particulate filter (just a pad that i clean regularly) and add a small amount of a dilute mixture of bleach every couple of weeks to keep the tank clean
BUT: for some reason I have what looks like salt creep where at the edges of the tank lid and other places like that i get a white buildup.
Of course it cant be salt creep because there isn't any salt in the system. Can anyone tell me what it might be?
Ah, but you do have salts in your system...the bleach;)

Is Bleach Residue Safe?

From the link:
Bleach, especially employed in laundry applications, may have, in addition to the active ingredient sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), an equal concentration of NaCl (as it is prepared from the action of Cl2 on NaOH) and at times, an alkaline, like lye (NaOH) or Washing Soda (sodium carbonate, Na2CO3).
Ok, that's where it comes from I guess, but I use so little of it in the tank I'm surprised it does that. Is there a better alternative i could use to prevent algae growth? (Remember its a dead tank and nothing alive, neither plant nor animal, will ever be put in it)
Ok, that's where it comes from I guess, but I use so little of it in the tank I'm surprised it does that. Is there a better alternative i could use to prevent algae growth? (Remember its a dead tank and nothing alive, neither plant nor animal, will ever be put in it)
I would think an algaecide like Algaefix would work fine.
It also may be due to hard water, as in limestone deposit just as your home plumbing might have. I'm not sure rodi completely rids tap water of it.
I'm thinking it might also be worth it to measure tds (total dissolved solids). Many units have a meter, and sometimes they stop functioning.