Question regarding Controler for large system


New member
I almost split this into two different posts, but I think it's all related enough to not justify two posts. The primary reason for the post is that I am looking for a controller to help automate the control of my tanks. I was wondering if anyone has anything similar and has anything that's working for them. I'm mostly handy at construction and electronics, but I'm a bit nervous to start building one from scratch like I've found online.

History of the tanks:
I have 4 tanks merged together on 1 large sump. The sump resides in the basement which is climate controlled. 1 tank resides in the basement with the Sump and the other three are on the floor above. Each tank has it's own supply pump. The tanks total gallons will be ~500 gallons (220,125,125,55: 220 and 125 currently running, other 2 soon to come!) and the sump is an additional ~200 gallons. In the sump there is/will be a Ca++ reactor, Protein Skimmer (Only found 1 so far to handle this much water, hence why other two haven't been added in yet), a PO4 reactor (Week 6 of trying to get PO4 down w/o success in 220g before combining them all { }), Alk doser, Ca Doser, two 500 watt heaters on an external temperature controller and a 1000 watt heater on an external temperature controller. The sump is 8 feet below the 3 tanks on the main level. There is 16 linear feet (for wires to run) between the sump and tank 1. There is 25 linear feet between the sump and tank 2. There is 35 linear feet between the sump and tank 3. There is 15 linear feet between the sump and the basement tank 4. QT tank is not listed in these requirements, as I prefer that to stay manual and it will stay on it's own system.

Lights have been controlled with mechanical timers connected to temperature controllers. To date, everything has been manually maintained and adjusted. (Side note: I'm not too impressed with the PC fixtures, but I've heard so many horror stories of MH & T5 melting acrylic tanks that I still have PC only over acryllics.)

This is my second attempt to move to automation, first attempt to move everything to automation. The first attempt was using x10 gear for light automation: This failed due to RF signals getting lost any time the MH's were on. Once a MH fixture was on, nothing would come on or off.

I may be missing some "common" things that people want to monitor: Please let me know if you think this is so! I would like to utilize WiFi portion of a system if it is available and known to be stable. Ideally, here is what I would like to automate/monitor. I realize that I may not be able to get all of these on one system, though I hope to!

Temperature of Sump Room abmient
Temperature of Basement (tank ambiant)
Temperature of First Floor ambient
Temperature of tank 1 canopy
Temperature of tank 2 canopy
Temperature of tank 3 canopy
Temperature of tank 4 canopy
(Room temp x 7)
Temperature of water Upstairs tank (To date always within 0.2oF of basement tank)
Temperature of Water in Basement tank
Temperature of water in Sump
(Water temp x 3)
sump Salinity
sump pH
Auto top off of RODI water for low water level in sump
Power on/off of Alk doser
Power on/off of Ca Doser
Power on/off of the Heater set 1 (2x 500w) based on temperature of water in sump
Power on/off of the heater set 2 (1x 1000w) based on temperature of water in sump
Power on/off of sump lights (Metal Halide 2x 250w)
Power on/off of tank 1 PC 4x 96w actinics
Power on/off of tank 1 PC (4x 96w 10KK)
Power on/off of tank 1 Moonlights
Power on/off of tank 1 Circulation Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)
Power on/off of tank 1 Supply Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)
Power on/off of tank 2 PC 4x 96w actinics
Power on/off of tank 2 Metal Halides (2x 250w)
Power on/off of tank 2 Moonlights
Power on/off of tank 2 Circulation Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)
Power on/off of tank 2 Supply Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)
Power on/off of tank 3 PC 4x 96w actinics
Power on/off of tank 3 PCs (4x 96w 10KK)
Power on/off of tank 3 Moonlights
Power on/off of tank 3 Circulation Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)
Power on/off of tank 3 Supply Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)
Power on/off of tank 4 PC 4x 96w actinics
Power on/off of tank 4 Metal Halides (4x 250w)
Power on/off of tank 4 Moonlights
Power on/off of tank 4 Circulation Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)
Power on/off of tank 4 Supply Pumps (Auto-back on after X minutes)

Thank you,
I think you can do most all of that with several controllers that are available already. Everyone has their preferences, but for the price/performance/support, I went with Neptune Apex system. I really like it, but can't compare to anything else as it's all I've ran. There are several threads on all of these. Seems like Apex & Digital Aquatics are the main two that compete. I think Profilux is a little higher end, but have no experience with them.

On the Apex, it is Ethernet only, but can be made WiFi with a simple bridge ($25). I have that and am able to access it remotely over the internet from my phone. Very nice. It will control as many outlets as you want, just a matter of cost. $150 for 8 outlets. You would need to get the PM2 module for Salinity. If you did, then you'd only have 2 temperature inputs. That would be the biggest limitation that I'd see. You have a lot of temperature that you want to monitor.