Question. What pump to use for mixing?


Premium Member
I need two mixing pumps, one to move RO water into the mixing vat, another to mix salt water.

I am currently using some sump pumps, but, I worry about metal parts that might not be reef compatible (copper etc..).

They would only go on occasionally (once every week or two).

What do you guys use? Big Mag drives?
I use a Sedra 9000 NW with the venturi & air tube in place to mix and aerate the SW. Because of the venturi I still use a bucket to transfer SW. PITA! One day I'll figure out some plumbing to overcome that. I supose just a JG valve on the air tube would work, anyway i really like aerating the SW before use. A Mag 7 transfers the RO.
Ideally, i would put the RO container above the salwater mixing container and drain the RO water into the saltwater mixing container via a Kent float valve. This has helped me eliminate many floods. Inside the saltwater mixing tank, i would run several Maximods because they are cheap to purchase and becuase they move a lot of water while consuming very little electricity, that way you can keep them running 24/7 and always have fresh salt water. HTH.
I would then use an Ocean Runner pump, osr any other cheap but powerful submersible pump to distribute the newly mixed saltwater to your display tanks via a graden hose.
I use a single Blueline 40HD-X in my water system:


I use a pair of 65G tanks. One for RO/DI and the second to mix and constantly circulate saltwater until it is pumped into a Rubbermaid sump for a dry hands water change.

I use a single Blueline 40HD-X in my water system:


I use a pair of 65G tanks. One for RO/DI and the second to mix and constantly circulate saltwater until it is pumped into a Rubbermaid sump for a dry hands water change.


Thats awesome!
Wow! Your water change system is nicer than my display tank!

Somebody asked how I pump water from the system into the tank's a side view that shows the pipe running from the holding tanks to the Rubbermaid sump...throw the right sequence of valves and I can pump saltwater or RO/DI over there...

I'm kinda proud of the "filling stations" at the bottom of each storage tank - perfect for filling my friends' 5 gallon jugs... :dance:

I use a single Blueline 40HD-X in my water system:


I use a pair of 65G tanks. One for RO/DI and the second to mix and constantly circulate saltwater until it is pumped into a Rubbermaid sump for a dry hands water change.


Would you be able to describe the water flow here just to make sure I have it right? I think I understand the what's and why's but it would be nice to be sure. Let me know if my question isn't clear.