
Beach Bum 70

Beach Bum 70
I just saw that my Solar wrasses right eye looks like it is going to pop out! Dont think this is a good thing does this mean the end is near for it or is there anything I can do for it?
Its called pop eye. I did a search but wait for someone here who is experienced with it.

Pop Eye itself is not a disease, but a condition resulting from one of several possible problems: a bacterial infection (it can contract fungus as a secondary infection afterwards) environmental problems (poor water quality, etc) or trauma to the eye via an accident or injury from an aggressive tankmate. The fish may appear to have a large clear bubble over one or both eyes. The eye(s) will protrude out from the fish's head and may also be cloudy.

Only one eye bulging typically indicates that the problem has occured due to an injury to the eye somehow: the eye responds by swelling and retaining fluid buildup. Quarantining the fish and giving it clean water will help it to heal on its own with a little bit of time and isolation to reduce stress. Epson salt can help (1 tablespoon per five gallons; repeat with a half dose on day three as per WetWebMedia).

If both eyes exhibit symptoms, it is probably a bacterial infection. Treat with medication such as Maracyn, Penicillin, or Tetracycline. Neomycin sulphate (use 250 mg/gallon) is an antibiotic which is affective against a wide range of gram+ and gram- bacteria. You can find other broad spectrum antibiotics here. In advanced stages if there is a deep bacterial infection, it can be difficult to treat. Feed medicated food to the fish (it can be hard to get antibacterial medication inside the fish; most simply won't absorb). Medicate with antibiotics in a hospital tank to prevent damaging the biofilter in tanks. Read here for more on bacterial infections.
Meh. I've had it happen to a fish in my 120g tank when it was first set up, but it was from net-induced stress/injury. He was healed of it within a few days. Hopefully yours is the same...