First of all, just to save a few of Eric's hairs... There are many species of Montipora that form plates and whorls. Telling them apart is nearly impossible, and true Capricornus is not one of the more commonly imported ones. Anyway...
IME, most Montiporas, inlcuding the plating ones are quite hardy and adaptable. Moderate light and current produce good growth, though colors and growth rates generally improve with more light.
Like any stony coral, high levels of Calcium (375+ ppm), alkalinity (10+ DKH, 3+ mEq) and NSW salinity (1.025-1.026) are ideal.
I have kept green plating montis 12"+ away from VHO's with decent growth. I had to put a purple one in the same tank after the tank it was in (under 400w MH) broke. It stayed healthy but turned brown.
Althought these corals will tolerate moderate water flow, detritus will accumulate in the recesses and must be occasionally blown away (I use a turkey baster).
Also be cautios of what your Montiporas neibors are. Montiporas are real weaklings in territorial wars, and almost always suffer from physical contact with other corals.
If you buy an imported colony, beware that tiny predatory nudibranchs are occassional hitchhikers. Quarantine or at minimum, very careful inspection is warranted.