Questions about upping from a 29g to a 55g.


New member
I have an extra 55g tank from when we had a freshwater setup and figured that it would be a nice (ugh) day project to put everything from the 29g into the 55g.

Picking up the lighting this weekend (4xVHO's) and plan on using the majority of the stuff from my current setup into the 55g. Just had a couple concerns on wether or not it would be 'enough'.

My remora skimmer/MJ1200, should it be fine with the extra 26 gallons?

My only two forms of flow right now are two Eheim 1000's (265gph), one with a hydor wavemaker head. Think this will be enough? Should I think about adding another or a larger powerhead?

Since I will have to add some sand from the extra capacity, is it fine to just add the live sand and then add my old sand on top of it?

And just overall what's the best way to do this? Should I save up some tank water from water changes to keep from changing the water levels too drastically?
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I'll have to watch this thread since im planning a similiar upgrade in march or april. I am going with a square column tank whats the dimensions on your 55?
It's a standard 48x13xwhatever. It's been empty in our bedroom since we got into saltwater and traded in all of our freshwater for store credit. lol

I have a Tunze Nano filter that works great on our other 29g, I may look into getting one for the 55 setup. It really helps keep the surface clean. Also gives me a spot to run carbon and such.
I think by adding new live sand to the tank you could potentially have a short cycle, but I am not sure and would like someone to verify this. Everything should be a smooth transition from the 29 to the 55. I'm new to skimmers so I am not sure on that. I think the one powerhead and filter should be ok and if its not then add another one depending on what type of results you get. Gosh I really helped alot didnt I. lol I will be watching this thread because I am interested in this also. Hope everything works out for the best.

1) are u planning to add a sump this time around?

2) Remora will hold it down, I believe it is rated to handle up to 75g or so.

3) Remove those deflectors, they restrict flow.

4) If you are adding a sump, then have a refugium thus u will not need to add new sand into the 55 plus ur 29g sand. If you do not set a sump then u might have a sort cycle, probably short.

Are you planning to combine the 2 x 29g into the 55? If so then the remora and the tunze nano skimmer would be great. the tunze nano skimmer can surface skim correct? if so ditch the prefilter thing that is used with the remora, its ugly.
I will be putting all of the stuff from one 29g into the 55g. So only two tanks. I won't be running a sump for the same reasons as before. The tank stand is a completely retarded design and doesn't allow for any room underneath.

We have a wrasse and an angel (One of which loves to pick at certain corals) in each tank so combining them wouldn't be an option. Plus I love the way the tanks look cornered together.

The Tunze does a MUCH better job skimming the surface compared to the remora skimmer box. And I don't have to adjust it every night.

What steps can I take to reduce the effects of a cycle from happening when I add sand?
Just use whatever sand you have in the 29g and call it a day. More rock will help out if anything. Since you want to avoid a cycle, just use w/e sand u have... i like the idea of either barebuttom or close to barebuttom but u still have sand. Given that the sand bed of a 55g will be much larger, but i would think the sand from ur 29 would be enough to give it a decent layer.
Don't remember the exact amount of sand, it's enough to be a 3.5" sand bed in a 29g. I am guessing around 35-45 pounds. More liverock will be a certainty. Probably travel to Reef Life for it since the pieces I got from there were great and affordable.
Another question, would 4x65 (2 10k, 2 actinic)mounted 2.5" above the tank be too much for a 29g? Mostly softies, a few LPS.