Questions on vortech pumps


New member
I am planning a new tank (either 72"x30"x30" or 60"x24"x26" depending on finances) and would like to have some sort of wavemaking device. From what I have read it seems one of the best options right now is the vortech wavemaker. I haven't found seen a lot of threads with people using these and I had some questions I was hoping someone could answer for me.

1. I know the built in overflows have to be lowered when using a wavemaker but I am not certain how far it is necessary to lower them. I had thought I would have my overflows either 3" below the rim of the tank or 2". Would this be sufficient?

2. Would two vortech filters be enough for either of the tanks sizes I am considering?

3. I have read the vortech creates excellent water movement and I was wondering if it would be possible to skip having a closed loop if you had sufficient wave motion? I am very interested in cutting down electrical cost and complexity and if the vortech created sufficient water movement it seems it would nicely achieve this.
there is no reason to lower your overflows unless you want to lower your water level as well. I have a wave box and 3 vortechs and will probably get one more and sell the wave box when I finally get the wireless upgrade. IMO, you'll end up wanting four vortechs, starting with two and building up.
Don't you have to lower your overflows to avoid the waves from sloshing out of the tank? Do you have any other method of water circulation you use as well (like a closed loop) or are the vortechs enough?
Closed loops are not necessary. It depends on your ability to hide vortechs / tunzes / powerhead x... versus hiding plumbing from a closed loop. Pros and cons either way. I am going with vortechs and no closed loop in my new build.

Regarding the placment of your overflows... perhaps you are referring to the vortech demo at MACNA where two of them were placed in a tank with a prototype wavemaking device and... after programming the resonance frequency for the tank... they were throwing a wave back and forth across the tank!>? Sloshing all over the place!

I don't know of anyone doing it in real life right now. The vortech wavemaking controllers are not available yet (soon I hope). As it stands, you will need to run them on timers with at least six minute intervals. So... don't worry about resonating waves right now.... unless this is a cutting edge type goal to which you aspire.

Thanks fishtruck. Actually I was thinking of the wavemaker controller. By the time I get my tank up and running I am sure the wavemaker controllers will be out. With that in mind should I have my tank built with lower built in overflows, and if so how much lower should they be?