Quick plumbing question


New member
What is the correct order:

Pump > Ball Valve > Check Valve

Pump > Check Valve > Ball Valve

Yes...I know the arguments again check valves and that they will eventually fail. I would still like to use one.

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did you know that check valves fail :)

I am not sure i am understanding your question? are you wanting the ball valves to limit flow to the check valve? and which direction is the flow going in? I am not sure anyone can properly respond to this question? However I would say as a general rule you can never use enough unions and threaded bulkheads are a PITA. if you get me clarification i could try and answer this.
Check valve goes between pump and the ball valve. Then you can replace either the pump or check valve with the ball valve closed and not have reverse flow when doing so.
Check valve goes between pump and the ball valve. Then you can replace either the pump or check valve with the ball valve closed and not have reverse flow when doing so.

Thank you! This is what I was thinking just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

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did you know that check valves fail :)

I am not sure i am understanding your question? are you wanting the ball valves to limit flow to the check valve? and which direction is the flow going in? I am not sure anyone can properly respond to this question? However I would say as a general rule you can never use enough unions and threaded bulkheads are a PITA. if you get me clarification i could try and answer this.

Thanks. Both check valve and Ball valve are true union. I was speaking to the outflow of the pump setup. I will also use a true union ball valve on the input to be able to change the pump.

Why don't you like threaded bulkheads?

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Its typically "easier" to ensure a leak free joint on a slip connection bulkhead vs threaded..
Of course the pros of a threaded connection often outweigh the negatives..

Remember.. Threaded plastic connections should use a non-hardening thread sealant and NOT teflon tape.. Teflon tape is for metallic threads.. While quite a few people have been successful with teflon tape on plastic threads there are quite a few who have also had that cause failures/leaks/cracked joints,etc...
Does anyone know how I can plumb my RSR250 so I can setup a larger sized sump? Thanks!

The same way it is now should be fine..
Enjoy the simplicity. ;)

Typically all "calculations" are based off the display tank size.. Sump size isn't factored in..
So the flow rate through the sump remains the same regardless of the size of the sump.

Skimmer can get bigger if you want... Heaters may need to be upsized... But return pump and drain/return plumbing stays the same..