Quiz Question


New member
The beautiful purple fire goby, Nemateleotris decora,

a) is found swimming above the reef feeding on zooplankton.

b) lives in a burrow near the reef.

c) is actually in the family Microdesmidae and is not a goby at all.

d) all of the above.

I'll post the correct answer on Tuesday
Alright guys..the time has come
according to Martin & Barbara Moe

d) The classification of these most beautiful of small reef fish is still not completely understood,but most ichthyologists place them in a family seperate from the gobies, even though they are generally considered to be among the gobies

Here is another one

What is a gravid fish?

a) a fish that is full of eggs

b) a fish that lives in the gravel bed.

c) a fish that is in the family Gravidae.

d) a fish that is seriously ill.

I'll post the answer on Thursday
I sell dead fish so I don't care that a gravid fish is one that is full of eggs. Unless it is a Caspian Sturgeon and then we're talking some serious cake ! LOL How about a definition of fecundity ? Does a female cod fish have a high fecundity or a low fecundity ? If a man is at sea and a woman is not aboard to hear him speak is he still wrong ? Who is the voice of Shaggy on Scooby Doo ?
Fecundity: # of eggs ready for spawning. Female cod have high fecundity. Not sure about the voice of Shaggy. And yes, the man is still wrong. Doesn't matter where he is.
As for the rum, I would guess sometime in the early 1900s.
Correct for everyone!
A) The term gravid refers to a female fish that has ovaries full with well developed eggs and is in a prespawning condition.

Nice question Jack.....any free examples of the Caspian Sturgeon :) How much do they go for anyways?

Next Up...

The soft tissues of coral polyps originate from

a) four layers of tissues.

b) two layers of tissues.

c) one tissue layer.

d) three tissue layers.

I'll post the correct answer Friday evening!
Casey Casum is the voice of Shaggy and the British Navy suspended rum ration July 31, 1970 !! Since I already hiJACKed part of the thread. Next question: If nothiong sticks to Teflon how do they get Teflon to stick to the pan ?