Rasta Trouble

I have a small frag of Rasta's with 4 polyps on it. I started them out on the sand bed and they seemed to be doing very well but after a few months they started not opening up fully so thinking they needed more light I moved them up in my tank and now they won't open at all. I have since moved them back down to about mid level where they have been for the past week but still haven't opened (been closed for about 2 weeks now). I have inspected the polyps and even though they aren't opening they all look healthy, no signs of degeneration or melting and they don't have anything around them that could be irritating them. My water params are great. Any idea's? My next step is to put them back down on the sand bed as at least 1 or 2 were opening up when they were down there.
Any recent drop in the parameters? I noticed some of my polyps stayed closed for a few weeks when my alk dropped but bounced back when everything was left alone. How is the flow? Is there a difference in flow between the bottom and other layers? If they are not shrinking and melting they will open up. Just give them some time and try not to handle them so much.
My water params are really good. I do weekly water changes and use IMO the best salt mix, Red Sea Coral Pro. I did recently stop using my Vortech MP10 as I thought things were getting too blasted so now the only thing providing flow is the MJ900 return pump.
If parameters are good and they were fine for months I wouldn't think light. The change of flow could have been unsettling for them. How long have they been closed and what specifically are your parameters?