Rastas colony coming off plug


New member
I received a Rastas colony yesterday and after I dipped it I noticed a part of the colony had come loose and separated off the plug. Most of it is still attached but there is a corner that lifted. I put in the tank yesterday and as of this morning it still hasn't opened yet, hopefully it will by the time I get home. Should I glue the lifted part back to the plug or just leave it?
is it the polyps skin coming loose or is it a rock of the polyps that came off the plug? If its just loose skin and the polyps coming loose it sounds like these zoas are pretty stressed and not doing well. It also sounds like the supplier did not take the time to let the zoas grow on the plug if they are just loose polyps glued to a plug.
I'll try and take a picture with my phone. Yeah, it looks like one of the three polyps is off the small rock it was attached to. I can't tell you if it arrived like this or I could have caused it by trying to remove the clear plastic bubble that covered it. Should I just leave it and hope for the best?
Just dab some glue under the foot or loose area, press down gently, and place in low flow for a couple weeks. It will be fine
Just dab some glue under the foot or loose area, press down gently, and place in low flow for a couple weeks. It will be fine
Took care of it this morning before leaving for work. Hope it opens up in the next couple of days.