RE-Vitalizing my old big tank


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About 10 years ago I took the contents of my 2 - 50 gallon tanks and 2- 10 gallon reefs and put everybody in my then new corner bowfront. My bow front is 24" deep goes 4 feet back and the bow is 5 feet across.
After the spring and summer from hell here on our farm my much neglected tank needs some help. I have started a series of water changes ....doing gradually bigger changes cause I have had the same fish and corals for years. I am considering purchasing an ecotech vortech pump. I have always wanted one with the battery back up. Does anyone have this pump and wave system?? Better ideas??
I enjoy my vortech pumps very much. It gives the tank a clean sleek look and it provides good water movement. I would say go ahead with the purchase.
I have 3 ecotech mp40's with 1 of them connected to battery back up. At the 38 hour mark of losing electricity, it was still working.
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THank you I am going forward with the purchase.
Second question:
I have about a 3 inch deep old sand bed in the back corner of the tank...hard to get at. Should i
1 remove entirely (will disrupt entire tank)
2 vacuum (done gradually but still disrupt)
3 leave alone