Recommendation for setting up Power Bars


Premium Member
I have a Profilux PLus II with a digital power bar, analog power bar, and 4 channel dosing pump.
I plan on running the Digital Power bar off of S1-4 and the Analog Power Bar off of S5-8 and then daisy chaining the Dosing Pump off of the digital power bar.
Do you see any problems with this and with the Digital Power Bar on S1-4 I will label the sockets as S1-6. When plugging the analog power bar in S5-8 how are the sockets assigned, i.e. can I change the numbering or is it 5-8?
One last thing with the dosing pump I realize I have to program it through S1-4 first but do you have a recommendation as to which sockets to assign it to? Thanks again.