Recovery time


I had a die off about 3 months ago of a large leather toadstool and all my zoa's. Ever since then my mushrooms stopped opening fully and it really sucks. I've done larger than normal water changes and that still isn't helping. I'm just wondering if there is a test to see if there is any toxins in the water leftover from the die off I had, or if anyone has any other suggestions. Thanks for the help.
did you run fresh carbon? what caused the die off? parameters?

The only thing that was off was my calcium was real low but its in check now. It was around 200 instead of 420+. I did change 1/2 the carbon. The carbon in the canister filter was fairly fresh and I changed the carbon in the sump(at the time)
nitrate, phospate, alkalinity, ammonia, calcium, sg are all test you sould be doing regularly. are you testing for these? as asked above, what are your peramaters? How often and how much water are you changing? what is your display, sump volume?

What caused the die off? when you saw the specimens were dying did you remove them from the tank or did you let them rott away in the water? Are you using ro/di water for the water changes? Do you make your own water?

Just a few questions for starters.
I'd change out all of the carbon, that stuff soaks up pollutants fast in the short term but kind of plugs up in the long term. With situations like that changing it every 3 days isn't too bad, those leathers can release a lot of toxins unfortunately.

Calcium shouldn't affect the mushrooms too much, but salinity can. How are you measuring yours, and have you calibrated your measuring device recently? I calibrated my refractometer with calibration fluid last night and it was .003 off, I'm guessing from when I dropped it a few weeks back...