Red Macro Algea from hell...


In Memoriam
Trying to get some sort of ID on this Red Macro Algea all the locals I have shown it to have never seen it before.

trites, trates, and ammonia all are reading zero... before and of course after the massive water changes and I have always heavily skimmed 24 hours a day.

The Algea itself is easily pulled from the rock but what remains of it seems to be almost inbeded into the rock. All attempts to remove this Macro algea from my system have failed. Reduced light, feeding, almost every herbavoire you can think of (other than fish and emerald crabs) and massive water changes, none have worked or halted the spread of the algea in my tank beautful coraline encrusted rocks have now been all but been overtaken by the algea. Its not at plague proportions but if left at in its current state it looks like it could easily get that way. Here are a couple of pics any advice would be great.




- g
Something like that came in on a piece of live rock I got. I'll post a pictue of it when I get a chance.

Hello looks kinda like the red turf algae i have,read somewhere that mexican turbo snails(sorry forgot scientific name),but need the mexican turbo and not the other one as i have the other turbo also,and its mowing it down in my tank,some parts to the rock. Good Luck