Red macro - help ID plz


New member
This red macro is came on my candycane coral and has slowly been growing. I doesn't seem to harm the coral at all, i'm just curious as to what it is and if i should remove it to my fuge when its set up. My only fish is a yellow watchman goby. Other inhabitants are an emerald crab, various snails and hermits. TIA!

i agree with bob. I was at a LFS, andn bought some, and that is what they told me it is. However my fish ate it all, so I don't have anymore.

Hey BOB I found you. By the way my plants look wonderful. The grape has perked up and the prolifera cal. is SO green. Very healthy. I did find a few snails, however, they probably won't lat long, because my starfish hunts snails like you wouldn't believe.

Thanks bob!!!

That is a good feeling that they made it.

Those snails are strom***** and very desirable. Put some in like a gallon jar to protect them. It took me a long time before I had baby snails.

Fish got my fauchea also. that was those red macros in the picture on the other board. Really really add nice color to the system. And the fish did not bother them for a couple of months.
Thanks for the replies. I guess i'll let it grow. I only have a yellow watchman goby at the moment and he doesn't eat it. I'll remove it to my fuge when i get it finished.
leopard_babe said:

What kind of lights you got on your tank? Just wondering.


55g. I currently have two 4' utility lights on top with 40w bulbs. a 5600K 3500 lumen and a 40w actinic in each fixture. I also have two 4' utility lights with 4100k 3300 lumen tubes about 6" from the back glass in tank refugium. Those are facing forwatd to illuminate the back glass.

so 4 4' tubes on top and 4 4' utility tubes on the back. Total watts 320.