Red mushrooms multiplying

Waco Pilot

New member
I have 3-4 red mushrooms that are quite pretty and really stand out. The largest one is about 3" across when open and basically cloaks over the rock it is on. In just the last few days, when the lights go down at night, I have now found two tiny red mushrooms growing along with this large one, basically under the "cloak". Is this a standard way they reproduce?

These two small ones went from a 1/4 " to about 3/8" in just 4 days and went from nearly translucent to a light pinkish red color. They are definitely growing quick!
make sure you isolate the rock that its on or you will have a big problem on your hands. my forest of shrooms is killing everything in my tank and I can't find a way to kill them.
LOL Tryx If you are having a problem ill take SOME off your hands..

But that is the basic way for shrooms to reproduce
i wish i never put these in my tank
Isolating the rock does nothing because they can detach from the rock, float around, and find a new place to attach and multiply (as seen from the picture above). I think they're pretty though ind it does add color.
Yes, shroom's rock......Waco can you add a pic? I just got a really bright red one (more so than just the normal reds I have seen) a month or so ago and it was very very small but has grown to a little larger than a quarter, than a few nights ago it shrunk to about a fourth of its size...not sure if it had a bad encounter with the CUC or has come back a bit, but still wondering what is going on....I have many others shrooms in the tank and they are all doing great.....