red mushrooms out of control HELP!!!!


New member
my tank is overun with red mushrooms whats the best way to kill them.
Can't you just cut them off at the base with a razor? They may come back, but just prune them again. Wouldn't that keep them from splitting and spreading? Get a little bit of the rock off with them, glue them to a rock and take them to the LFS for trade.
I tryed that even injected them with R.O. water they just keep comming back. At this point i have takeing every measure i know i would be happy to trade rock for rock if someone wants free shrooms

Trade rock for rock or maybe just remove the rock and let everything die. Say, one rock at a time so you don't have a big cycle when you reintroduce the rock. ?
Mushroom Help!

Mushroom Help!

I would love to get some; I'll pay shipping. I lost the six I had due to Northeast heatwave!:mad:
Red shrooms go for a good price you may want to try and trade/ sell the off. if your dead agianst trying to do that then snipp them off with pair of bone cutter/razor then cover the areas where they are growing with somthing (another rock or somthing) just like plants you starve them of light and nutrients they will not grow back. Just make sure you watch your params as they will rise alittle from the feet dieing off.

EDIT: what I said is not fact or somthing I have done in the past was just a random thought that popped into my head when I saw your post.
Wow...i can't imagine willfully wanting to kill's not like they are aptaisia lol!
i totally agree..cut them and sell them but don't kill them =(
Just my sentimental humble 2 cents...