red mushrooms


New member
i have a rock that is covered in red mushrooms and its becoming a annoying problum. they are taking over the tank they drop off and are attaching to every other rock. any one know a way to get them under controle besides cutting each one off one by one
I would cut them off the rock, but any tissue left will likely regenerate. Some place reef tank safe epoxy over the 'foot' area to prevent regeneration. I suppose you could inject them like aptaisia- with kalk paste, but I would NOT- too much potential for rotting coral in the tank, and all it takes is a little piece of flesh to settle somewhere and you have more red shrooms...
Your Red Mushroom Problem

Your Red Mushroom Problem

I'd be more than happy to help out! For whatever reason, I can not seem to keep red mushrooms in my tank, let alone get them to propagate. Greens thrive, blues and stripes are marginal, reds simply melt. My water parameters and lighting are both very good. If serious about getting rid of some reds (brights - not the muddy reds) I'd be happy to help if you can provide them on some small pieces of LR -- not as unattached polyps. Please let me know off line. Thanks, Tom