Red Sea Fishes


New member
Quick question. What is the deal with Red Sea fishes and getting some species and not others, in particular Red Sea Nigers? Just curious how this works if possible, thanks
Great question. The Red Sea market has changed dramatically in the last 5 years. The diversity of product from that region has been affected the most. Several species once common in the trade are now impossible to get from that part of the world.

We actually have a wonderful article on the subject planned for an upcoming Blue Zoo News feature. Keep your eyes open for that in the next week or so.

No you did not. We usually have two or three weeks of content made up and I am not quite sure when this article will be released but it has absolutely not gone out yet.

Thanks for the interest though. We appreciate that. :)
Well, we are waiting for the next Red Sea shipment to come to tie the article to some great animals. We were expecting it to come in last week but it got put off. Hopefully we will be able to run it next Wednesday. Thanks for keeping on it and for all the interest. We appreciate it.
Cool, though I am sad that you will be getting some new Red Sea animals in at this time because I just got my order last week and would have waited if I had known this. You may get some fish in I would like to have but it may not be in my best interest to add to my QT at this time, we'll see. Thanks
Well it is possible but a little unlikely. You would actually have a better chance of getting one from Madagascar believe it or not. But even then the small ones sell for 120.00 or more so a large one like that would be in the 150.00 range. It is just expensive to get fish from that part of the world and most importers are not going to justify bringing in a fish for that much money when they could the same fish in from Indo to sell for 25.00. But, if one of our suppliers offers a Red Sea Niger, we will keep you in mind. :)