Red slim


New member
Anyone in this club having red slim problems? If so, what are you doing to get rid of it. I tried ultralife reef products and chemiclean red slim removers.
I had red slime and had success with the ultra life. Maybe try and reduce feedings. How are your nitrate and phosphate levels? Water change schedule?

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Just did a water change on Tuesday of this week (30 gallon). Nitrate are a little high between 10-20 ppm and phosphate 0.25ppm.
remember when I had red slime it was in the beginning stages of my system, I just increased flow and kept up on the regular maintenance (WC's, filter socks, cleaning the glass) old is your system? water volume and contents of your sump?
very odd maybe the experts here can chime in...but I would increase flow, change your sock more often, maybe run a GFO reactor