Red slime in refugium


New member
I've got red slime growing only in my refugium. My display tank has no signs of it or any other undesirable algae. I know that red slime likes places with low flow, and obviously refugiums are low flow, so how do I combat this? A few days ago I turned off the refugium pump, siphoned out most of the water and picked out all the slime I could manually, then turned the pump back on. Already it's growing back over everything. It's choking out my chaetomorpha and red graciliara.

My nitrates are under 5ppm and phosphates are not detectable with Salifert test kit.
I used Chemi Clean to get rid of the red slime. It's an antibiotic that breaks the junk down. If you use it just be sure to take out the carbon, turn off the skimmer AND make sure you have something to keep the O2 levels up. (like an air stone)
I've been dealing with cyano, too and I'm considering the chemi-clean way out.

[brutal edit of extraneous tank parameters and methods]

Cutting to the chase, if I have plenty of surface agitation normally (returns really churning the surface) I don't really need an airstone, too, do I?

Also, I don't normally run carbon. I'm assuming that carbon in this case is necessary to help filter out the chemi-clean after the treatment is through, correct?
