fredy free
New member
This summer I thought I had a heat problem. Button polyps, star polyps and mushrooms looked to be suffering from to hot of a tank 84 to 86f. Water readings were and are in great shape other then temperature. I decided to add fans and temperature is now a steady 78f for two weeks. No change in anything so I thought I would do a dip of a small button polyp in RO water to see if anything came out, some pods and a half inch bristle worm nothing to alarming. I have a magnifying optic out of a projector TV when looking through this I saw lots of red dots that were raised like bugs on the closed up Button polyps. Is this normal or what is this and what can be done if this is a pest? I have two clownfish that I have had for years I don't want to risk them. The red dots are not visible to the naked eye? Thanks