Reef and fish tank stuff for sale/trade


New member
i have a 20 gallon long tank25$
4 extra 24inch t5 bulbs(they are not geissman just generic)7$ each

A small 1 gal tank that was used as a quarantine tank(has black rubble)15$

aquatech 30/60 HOB filter and a extra filter housing rated for up to 55 gallons......25$

aqueon 950 powerhead new in box.....20$

2 bulb 24inch t5 light in perfect working order...30$


koralia powerhead(not sure what size #3 maby) 20$

Small powerhead used in quarantine tank...5$

Bio cube heater...10$

Large 200 watt heater with temp control 15$

Red sea coral pro salt(opened but never used) 15$

Aqualife 24inch t5 6bulb fixture with 3new geissman bulbs(only bad is that one ballast went out so the back 2 bulbs wont turn on)...ballast is 30$ on the aqualife site..........115$

rio 800 powerhead....15$

unknown powerhead with spinning blower 15$

aqueon 30gal HOB filter....20$

aqueon quiet flow 55/75 used a bit but almost new 40$

Tek elite light, 6bulb fixture with a supplemental stunner strip...(ati bulbs with only 4 months of use)......also has mount legs.............280$

Drilled 30gal tall tank with plumbing and stand....only seen water once since I bought it off paul....60$

40gallon breeder with glass top cover.....55$

live rock you see in pics at 2$ a pound(its dry as you can see)

I have this 10gal tank I broke down with a deep sand bed....20$

cpr backpack skimmer with pump 40$

Thanx for trade only looking for a MP10 powerhead and some SPS coral...shoot me Francisco.....text is preffered for now because of work....5308486201