Reef Balls for 210


Active member
I was thinking about ordering some reef balls and reef cakes for my 210. They are pretty good price, cheaper than live rock, I will be adding some live rock also but I want to use the reef balls and cakes for the foundation of the display. Any body think its a good idea or bad?
reefball. org they make them to help the oceans reefs that have been damaged. But I found a guy in st. cloud fl that makes them small for tanks.
I don't see them as being a problem. Just ensure they are cured long enough so as not to leach anything into the water later on down the line. They do look interesting! The only downfall I see IMO is that they really do look artificial; they don't really have a natural look to them but they do look neat all the same!!
These could work as a good foundation for other pieces of LR!
I have to wonder if they work good in the ocean due to its water volume but in a small reef like the ones we keep its going to poison it.
Well that depends on the material and if they are cured 100% before using them. Many people in Reef Central have posted how thay make thier own rocks to get the shape that they want.

I would just so lots of reasearch into the material they use to make them and the whole curing process to make sure they let to cure 100% before using.
I agree with you Illal but each to thier own....
But also remember everything that has worked you some point someone had to take a chance and try it.
A lot of the Fiji LR available now is actually artificial, there was a thread a while back with pictures of one of the facilities and process of making LR. The purple on the rock is not Coraline, is purple coloring in the concrete.