Reef expansion to 900 litres (198 gal.) - Tenerife -


New member
Hi to all, first to all i´m sorry for my bad english, I will try to explain my new proyect, is based in an expansion to a 900 liters system (650 liters display tank + 300 liters of sump), my actual tank it´s 200 liters + 50 liters of sump.

I bought the entire reef system to a local friend (Salva) with all accesories, The last weekend i was cleaning the sump and the accesories, calcium reactor (deltec pf501) , skimmer apf701 , pumps...

My idea is to use the rock of my actual tank and use dead rock for the rest. About the water I will use ocean fresh water (I live in Tenerife, canary islands, a group of seven islands near africa) and the water remaining use 200 liters of my actual tank.

Ok because my english it,s horrible I will based my post in updates with photos and questions about the configurations, aquascaping, chemist....

My actual tank



The new tank, will be at the left of tv, the center table will move to the left and the chair will be removed


The calcium reactor and the skimmer after cleaning


Here the sump before 3 hours of cleaning, you can see "before" and "after"



Now i´m working with organization of sump departaments and light setup in sirocco light screen (8x80w t5).

Thanks for view this post, comments will be wellcome.