Reef Octopus 20g All-In-One Nano Tank

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
This is the story of Indy's 20-gallon Nano Tank....

Do you remember the 2010 West Tennessee Frag Swap??

You know"¦ when Thee Original $pousal Unit (a.k.a. "œIndra") held the winning ticket, pulled by this small fry to award the Grand Prize"¦


When all the $pousal Units were Shocked and amazed"¦


And there was Joy all over"¦


And some disbelief"¦


And then realization"¦


"¦but with a pledged of support"¦


A new Reefer was Born!


Well"¦"¦ at long last, here is a current picture, taken just tonight of this very same tank:

Yes Richard, It's another Softie tank:

This little tank is cool!

All of it's "goes-in-ta", is contained in the rear panels, behind the main display tank.

The Four (4) intermediate chambers are for:
Overflow box / Media Bag
Built in Protein Skimmer
Heater Chamber and
Return pump

The farthest back panel spans the width and height, with 2-gallon RO storage tank, ATO pump and sensor switch.

It's really cool!!!
Much of the LR came from our 120-display tank, and some was "new" Bali Rock:



This Ocellaris is hanging high up inside a Neon Green Sarco, under the Lights. Yes, this was a baby from Cathy Peck! I like the reflection!

I know I'll have to re-aquascape this once this baby grows a bit, but for now, we wanted a high display of rock.


Throw in some Cloves, for a little added flavor:


Turn up the Firefish until Purple:


And watch the new Frags grow!


That's it for now. More to follow.

To be Continued"¦"¦"¦"¦"¦
Do you have any issues with aggression between the two firefish? All I read is that they should be kept individually unless in a large tank. I'd be happy if this weren't the case since I'd like to have more than one in my own tank.
Ever Answer a Question with a Question?

If you can't have them together, how do they sell them at the Fish Store? How do they propogate?

Mine get a along swimmingly. Actually, they hang out under rocks together/ No worries mate. (Now... my Clowns on the other hand... they're fighting... or mating... well they're just not getting along.)
Well you got me there Marty!

Although its done in fish stores, I rarely look to them as a model for what I can/should do in my own display tank. Certainly, paired fish can and must live together peacefully at some point or another but you rarely end up with that situation from two random individual fish. They don't seem to be aggressive from what I've seen and if you haven't witnessed them fighting, then maybe they aren't as aggressive as I've read.
If you do what the LFS's do, you can put 20 clowns in a small tank too.... :0). Just messing with ya Marty...... Ha
My wife has 3 firefish in her tank that hang out together 24/7. There is no aggression between them at all.
tank looks great!!! nice to see the few frags i donated to her are doing good and have grown a little, fyi coralife makes a mini uv that is universal for nano's it will have the biocube name on it then you will have it all !!!
I also have a trio of regular firefish in a 25 gal that sleep together in the same rock and are always together.